This podcast was outstanding because it gave you the foundation to understand systemic racism in America. Dr. Carol Francois and Kourtney Square jump right in and explain some key terms for all of us to understand in more depth the word bias, prejudice, bigotry and racism. They take you on a journey beginning in 1619 when African Americans first landed on American soil and help define these four important words used in our culture today. I can’t wait to hear more from this dynamic duo, of Aunt Carol and niece Kourtney, as they travel through the key systems that have embodied these four key terms and abused their use on the African American race along the way in 401 years of history. I’m anxious to learn more and help fight systemic racism today after getting a deeper understanding of African Americans not taught to us in the general glossed over history books and hearing first hand from authors who have interviewed first and second generation African Americans who have lived through these atrocities. I seek first to understand through researched, document based, factual information and then I can make informed decisions on how to help make change. This podcast and future ones will be a great resource along my journey.
Aug. 29, 2020 by Marty Walter on Apple Podcasts